How to install the BECONEX CS4SAP connector plugin for Tungsten AutoStore

How to install the BECONEX CS4SAP connector plugin for Tungsten AutoStore

Before installing the BECONEX CS4SAP connector, make sure that your AutoStore server meets the software prerequisites.

Prepare the installation
  1. To install the BECONEX CS4SAP connector, the Tungsten ControlSuite / AutoStore Service can be running in the background, but the AutoStore Process Designer must be closed.
  2. Create the folder [Drive]:\AutoStore\Install, if not yet available, and copy the BECONEX CS4SAP connector plugin for AutoStore in said location.

Install the connector
  1. Double-click the .exe file to start the installation, and confirm you wish to proceed when prompted.

  2. The setup will display a welcome page. Click “Next” to continue.

  3. The directory where AutoStore is installed is detected automatically. Click “Next” to confirm that the connector should be installed in the directory as well, or modify the installation path.

  4. Click “Install” to confirm you wish to proceed. The installation will take a few seconds.

  5. Click “Close” to finish the process after the installation is completed.

Verify the connector was successfully installed
  1. Launch the AutoStore Process Designer, and confirm you wish to proceed when prompted.

  2. You will find the “BECONEX SAP ArchiveLink” and “BECONEX SAP DMS” among the route components in the Toolbox.